
Advanced Multifunctional Female Care Training Simulator

▎The simulator can be placed on its back with its knees bent, its legs can be supported independently after being abducted, and its left and right upper arms and calves can be flexibly rotated;
▎Decubitus care: It shows that the clinical stages of pressure ulcers are divided into four different stages: the first stage: congestion and rosy stage; the second stage: inflammatory infiltration stage; the third stage: shallow ulcer stage; and the fourth stage: necrotic ulcer stage. At the same time, pressure ulcers and various pathological manifestations are displayed: pressure ulcer inflammation, ulcers, sinus tracts, slough, necrosis, eschar, etc.;
▎ Wash your hair and face;
▎Eye and ear cleaning and medicine drops;
▎Oral care, denture care;
▎Oronasal tracheal intubation;
▎Tracheotomy care;
▎Sputum suction method;
▎Oxygen inhalation method;
▎Oral and nasal feeding method;
▎Gastric lavage method;
▎Thorax anatomy and important organ structures;
▎Arm venipuncture, injection, and infusion (blood);
▎Subcutaneous injec

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The simulator can be placed on its back with its knees bent, its legs can be supported independently after being abducted, and its left and right upper arms and calves can be flexibly rotated;