
24 week premature infant model

The product has the physiological characteristics of premature infants. Weight below 2500 grams, body length less than 47cm, tender and bright red skin, thin epidermis with visible blood vessels, loose facial skin, many wrinkles, weak neck muscles, low limb muscle tone, many lanugo, soft ear shells, unclear areola, Few plantar lines, undescended testicles in baby boys, and the labia majora in baby girls cannot cover the labia minora. Physiological jaundice may be observed.

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Weight below 2500 grams, body length less than 47cm, tender and bright red skin, thin epidermis with visible blood vessels, loose facial skin, many wrinkles, weak neck muscles, low limb muscle tone, many lanugo, soft ear shells, unclear areola, Few plantar lines, undescended testicles in baby boys, and the labia majora in baby girls cannot cover the labia minora.