
Childbirth Skill Training Model

The model consists of a simulated lower body model of a pregnant woman, a fetal model, an attached umbilical cord, a placenta and other models. This product is aimed at the basic technical training of obstetrics, and carries out comprehensive practice of prenatal examination, midwifery, delivery and other skills.
■ Teaching throughout the delivery process is possible.
■ It can teach the fetus, umbilical cord and placenta of fetal head suction, the fetal joints are flexible, and it can demonstrate a variety of normal and abnormal fetal position delivery.
■ Equipped with hand-cranked delivery mechanical parts, through manual hand-cranking, the entire delivery process such as articulation, descent, flexion, internal rotation, supine extension, reset and external rotation, and fetal delivery can be realized.
■ Can practice and master comprehensive skills such as normal childbirth, abnormal childbirth (dystocia), midwifery skills and perineal protection.
■ Can carry out multiple pregnancy (twin) separate

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The model consists of a simulated lower body model of a pregnant woman, a fetal model, an attached umbilical cord, a placenta and other models. This product is aimed at the basic technical training of obstetrics, and carries out comprehensive practice of prenatal examination, midwifery, delivery and other skills.