
Full-Featured Central Vein Puncture and Injection Truncus Manikin

1. Simulation of standardized patients take the hypothesis, shoulder pillow hyperextension, low head and turn to the left, soft texture, real feel , lifelike image appearance;
2. Anatomical location accurate, clavicle, the sternal end of clavicle, sternocleidomastoid, sternal elevation, navel, groin, and inguinal ligament surface marks can clear perception.

3. Simulation of carotid pulse, pulses;
Practical training internal jugular vein, subclavian vein puncture, external carotid training vein puncture, femoral vein puncture, puncture has frustrated feeling, can take out the simulation venous blood.
4. Feasible heart floating catheter art training:
5.Note: skin and simulated blood vessels can be replaced, supplying of consumables.

6. Internal jugular artery, carotid, subclavian vein, femoral artery and vein;
7. Puncture training of internal jugular vein, subclavian vein and femoral vein;
8. Long cannula catheterization training;
9. Simulative carotid and femoral artery pulse;
10. Subclavian anatomy structure;
11. Femoral anatomy structure

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