
Advanced Rectum DRE Inspection Model

Examination of the prostate mainly relies on the rectum dre. BPH on a digital rectal exam is the most simple and must carry out the inspection method.

1. Model is vivid, simple sense is real, rectal examination position: left side.
2. Simulation feces can be easily placed in feces holder of excrement and urine, practice and evaluation.It can realize functions.
3. Can undertake rectal examination, feces assessment training.
 There are 9 kinds of waste, including: normal feces;Elongated feces;Dry type strip feces;Long soft waste;YangShi feces;Mushy stool;Watery stool;Compaction of dung;Loose stool.

There are 13 types of intestinal diseases: hemorrhoids 1;Anal impotent 1;Vaginal prolapse;AIDS anal warts;Hemorrhoids 2;Anal impotent 2;Rectal prolapse 1;Crohn's disease anal appendages;External piles;Pilonidal abscess;Rectal prolapse 2;Crohn's disease anal appendages 2;Squamous cell carcinoma (epithelium).

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