
High-intelligence digital infant comprehensive first-aid skills training system


★ The mark indicates the function that needs to be used in conjunction with the optional accessories

▎Head and neck:

· Normal vs. dilated pupils.
· Airway management technology: realistic mouth, nose, tongue, gums, esophagus, epiglottis, trachea, tracheal ring, can be intubated through the mouth, nasal trachea, oxygen and sputum suction. The airway intubation can be monitored to show that the intubation is correct or incorrect. The airway intubation has a tip that the intubation is too deep. When the intubation is too deep, the right main bronchus is inserted by default, and only the right chest is undulating.
· Gastrointestinal tube: support auscultation to detect the position of the intubation, used for gastrointestinal decompression, nasal feeding, gastric lavage, etc.
· Breathing mode: normal breathing, intermittent breathing, irregular wheezing, apnea, breathing stop.

▎Chest and abdomen:

· Pneumothorax puncture and pumping, pleural effusion pumping training.
· CPR training: Supports multiple ventilation methods such as mouth-to-mouth, mouth-to-mouth and nose, and simple ventilator-to-mouth, blow times and frequencies, compressions, nasal frequency, compression depth, and artificial respiration compared with chest compressions.
· ECG monitoring: It can be used with the self-provided ECG monitor to realize ECG monitoring.
★ Real defibrillation and pacing: It can be used in conjunction with a self-provided real defibrillation and pacemaker to achieve real defibrillation and pacing functions.
★ Simulated ECG monitoring: It can be used with KAR/J116 multi-parameter analog ECG monitor to realize the function of analog main electricity monitoring.
★ Auscultation sounds: including heart sounds, breath sounds, and bowel sounds: among them, normal heart sounds and breath sounds can be adjusted according to the monitor's heart rate and breathing frequency.
★ Simulated defibrillation and pacing: used in conjunction with KAR/J980, defibrillation energy can be selected, and the maximum defibrillation energy reaches 360J.
★Analog AED: Used in conjunction with KAR/AED98F, it can simulate AED, provide button electrodes, full Chinese voice prompts, and automatically analyze heart rhythm to determine whether to defibrillate.


· Intravenous infusion/puncture, arm veins include: brachiocephalic vein, superficial back hand vein. Scalp veins include: superior frontal vein, superficial temporal vein. The main venous trunk of the lower extremities: femoral vein
· Bone marrow puncture: It can be punctured through the tibia, there is a simulated bone marrow outflow, and medicine or infusion can be injected.
· Blood pressure measurement training.
· Real baby model: height 50cm, weight 3kg. The joints of the limbs can be bent left and right, rotated, and moved up and down.


· Baby ACLS first aid script editor, used to write baby first aid cases, according to the scene setting function in the script editing to simulate the real first aid scene, the operator makes corresponding first aid measures. Teachers can comprehensively evaluate the comprehensive quality of medical students' theoretical and clinical skills.
· Monitor vital signs include: spontaneous breathing, simulated femoral artery, femoral artery pulsation; heart rate; heart rhythm; noise; hiccups; blood pressure; blood oxygen saturation; ABP; mixed cyanosis, central cyanosis, and peripheral cyanosis.
· The system includes a large number of examination questions, electrocardiogram, first aid theory knowledge, first aid scenes, cases, etc.
· Simulate human's vital signs, and drive the execution of scripts by external events, and record operation logs.
· PETCO2 monitoring can be performed: confirm the position of the tracheal intubation and monitor the effectiveness of the resuscitation operation.



▎Highly intelligent ACLS baby simulator
▎Blood pressure measurement and training instrument BIX/S7G
▎Cardiopulmonary auscultation component
▎ECG generator
▎Defibrillation converter
▎Simple ventilator, stethoscope, pharyngoscope, tracheal tube, infusion set
▎First aid system controller
▎Medical air compressor

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