
Advanced Comprehensive Emergency Nursing Training Simulator


(The simulator can use the existing resource office computer to install the software during the training time to be trained, and exit the operating program to perform other daily operations)

▎When artificial respiration and chest compression:
▎Simulate standard airway opening;
▎When artificial hand position chest compression:
▎When breathing from artificial mouth (blowing):
▎Real-time operation frequency control function;
▎Operation time: the time can be set freely;
▎Operation method: training, assessment; actual combat assessment;
▎Language setting: You can set the language prompt setting and prompt volume adjustment setting; or turn off the language prompt setting;
▎Printable transcript;
▎Multimedia teaching can be carried out, and it can also be connected to the projector to play teaching;
▎Student management: you can freely edit the name, number, and archive of the trainees;
▎The operation process can be archived, replayed and other functions;
▎Check pupil response: before the assessment operation and after the completion of the assessment procedure, it simulates the true manifestation of the automatic dynamic change process of pupil dilation and shrinkage.
▎Check carotid artery response: touch and check by hand to simulate the automatic carotid artery pulsation response during the pressing operation; and the true manifestation of the carotid artery automatic pulsation response after the completion of the assessment procedure.


[Tracheal intubation function]

▎Tracheal intubation operation: switch to the endotracheal intubation operation page, whether the operation is correct or not, there will be corresponding alarms and animation display.
AED defibrillation function:
▎Follow the 10 kinds of AED scenario guidelines stipulated by the American College of Cardiology (AHA) and the American Red Cross;
▎It is fully in line with the real AED machine operation interface, with an on-off key and a defibrillation key;
▎LED digital tube displays the training program being demonstrated;
▎With live demonstrations, intelligently detect whether the electrodes are properly attached;
▎Pause playback function, adjustable volume; AUDIO interface;


[Nursing function]

▎Washing hair, washing face, arm venous puncture, injection infusion (blood deltoid muscle injection, extrafemoral muscle injection, enema, male and female catheterization, male and female bladder washing. Overall care: scrubbing, dressing and changing the limbs and joints to bend left and right, rotate, and move up and down ;


[Traumatic function]

▎Facial burns I, II and III degrees, forehead lacerations, pre-jaw trauma, open clavicle fractures and chest contusions, abdominal trauma with small bowel protrusion, open fractures of the right upper arm humerus, open fractures of the right hand, soft tissue lacerations, bones Tissue exposure, right palm bullet wound, right thigh femoral open fracture, right thigh complex femoral fracture, right thigh metal foreign body stab wound, right calf tibia open fracture, right foot open fracture, right little finger amputation trauma; left forearm burn ⅠⅡⅢ degree ; Left thigh amputation trauma, closed tibia fracture of the left leg, and barley joint and foot contusion.



▎One advanced resuscitation full-body human body model;
▎One luxury hand-push type human body hard plastic box;
▎Computer (user-configured or optional);
▎CPR installation software 1 set;
▎One resuscitation operation pad;
▎Barrier mask (50 sheets/box) 1 box;
▎4 sets of replaceable lung sac devices;
▎2 changeable dough wrappers;
▎One CD-ROM of the 2020 International New Edition Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Operation Guide;
▎One new edition cardiopulmonary resuscitation operation textbook;
▎One set of manual, warranty card, and certificate.

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